O&O Academy's leadership Sri Preethiji and Krishnaji developed several series of videos that provided wisdom, instruction and training to address personal challenges, crisis, spiritual growth and raising of consciousness. These teaching have broad application to assist one in evolving their inner state, dealing with inner & outer turmoil and living a more beautiful life under any circumstances. The YouTube video links below are categorized by concept to allow the reader to more easily delve into specific issues.
Last updated: August 28th, 2022
- Ekam Health Practice
- Change Your Biochemistry Change Your Destiny
- Magic of Shavasan
- Rejuvenate
- Secret of Health
Overcoming Depression and Negative Emotions
- Are You Facing Addition - Evolution #36
- Are You in Suffering? - Evolution #108
- Are Emotional Wounds Objective?
- Beauty Secret No One Talks About -ICON #11
- Beat Your Boredom - Evolution #3
- Beyond Anger Management- Evolution #22
- Brainwaves & Mental Health - Evolution #37
- Debug your mind
- Depressant Repellant: 5 Yukthis to be Happy - Evolution #48
- Depression or Search for Meaning - Evolution #77
- Dissolve Childhood Hurts
- Do You Struggle with Anxiety - Evolution #101
- Does Your Mind Need an Upgrade?
- From Suffering to a Serene Mind
- Global Crisis & Your State of Consciousness - Evolution #29
- How can we achieve happiness
- How do I overcome feelings of unworthiness
- How do you know it is time to let go?
- How to conquer all your feelings of suffering
- How to find completeness in life
- How to Heal Depression - Evolution #56
- How to live a beautiful life
- Is Your Brain Attracted to the Negative - Evolution #11
- On what foundation are you building your life?
- Please Live (Addressing Thoughts of Suicide) - Evolution #70
- Solve Your Sleep Problems with Yoga Nidra - Evolution #13
- Three Levels of Oneness - Evolution #107
- Universal Intelligence Breaks Down When We Think with...
- Untie the Knots of Self Doubt
- What is the Core of Depression? - Evolution #12
- Why Tis Deep Unsettling Loneliness? - Evolution #28
Relationships & Family Issues
- A Must Watch for Couples
- Are You Grateful or Hurtful? - Evolution #95
- Are You an Aggressor, Victim or Both?
- Are you a people pleaser?
- Are You Ready to Meet Someone Special
- Compassion
- Dear Soulmate, Where are You ICON #2
- Dissolving Differences Between Couples - Evolution #32
- Do Not Quit - Evolution #104
- Domestic Violence During a Global Crisis - Evolution #15
- Fatherhood is more than having a child
- Fathers Always Live On - Evolution #49
- Healing the Family's Hearts - Evolution #2
- How can you bring positive change to others
- How to find true friends
- Let COVID Not Hurt Families - Evolution #75
- Living Together in Lockdown - Evolution #6
- Mantra to make professional and relationships happy
- Mother's Day Maatru Devo Bhava
- One Thing Your Partner Needs From You - Evolution #110
- Parents, Help Your Child Dissolve Body Issues - Evolution #14
- Saptapahdi - The Heart of an Indian Wedding - Saptapahdi - Evolution #44
- Soul Connection Between Couples - Evolution #90
- Spiritual Art of Parenting - Evolution #16
- What Does It Take to Have a Happy Family - Evolution #60
- Why are my family members moving away from me
Social Issues
- Are We Human Beings Incapable of Peace - Evolution #40
- Awaken to Sacredness towards Earth - Evolution #63
- America Do Not Be Hateful over Hate - Evolution #89
- Bless America for Karmic Release - Evolution #84
- Bless India
- Celebrate the life giver - Mother Earth
- Dare to be a Changemaker (For Youth)
- Does Patriotism Provoke War? - Evolution #61
- Do You Want War? - Evolution #52
- Earth Day Sustainability at Home - Evolution #25
- First Steps Towards Rebuilding Our Economies
- Forgive Us - Evolution #43
- Gratitude to Health Professionals & Front Line Workers - Evolution #9
- Harmony & Equal Dignity - Evolution #41
- How to make real progress
- Humanity is Entering a New Phase - Evolution #99
- Indian Flag at 75
- Is it a Just World toward Women - Evolution #64
- Is War Ever Justified?
- Laws of Order & Chaos - Evolution #21
- Lets Live Free of Discrimination
- Living Universe
- Making the Big Decision, Bless America - Evolution #87
- Mother Earth: Let Her Be - Evolution #42
- Our Girls, Our Future - Evolution #76
- Our Responsibilities towards Nature
- Peace Between Nations
- Peace to our Brothers - Evolution #58
- Preethiji and Erik Solheim on Nurturing Mother Earth - Evolution #67
- Protecting Innocence of Children - Evolution #65
- Protect Our Life Giver, Mother Earth Our Life
- Solution to End All Wars
- Triumph or Defeat - Evolution #81
- Visions of a Fearless India
- What you say matters
- We are walking on water
- Why are Adolescents Depressed
- Why You Can't Trust Someone's Love - Evolution #17
- Why Women are Always Sideline
- World Food Day - Evolution #78
- World Free of Discrimination
- World Oceans Day
- Your Dharma to Mother Earth - Evolution #62
- Youth & Unemployment - Evolution #38
- Awaken the Mystic Fire - Evolution #23
- Athogathi or a great Bhagya? - Evolution #31
- Is Lifestyle Change Spirituality? - Evolution #59
- Being of Sri Rama
- Buddha Purnima
- Chit Shakti - Evolution #18
- Day of Spiritual Awakening: Ugadi
- Dharana on Maha Durga - Evolution #80
- Dharana or Maha Lakshmi - Evolution #83
- Dharana on Maha Saraswati - Evolution #86
- Dheera - Evolution #98
- Draupadi - A Dark Beauty - Evolution #54
- Dussehre or Navaratri - Evolution #79
- Dussehre Celebrating the Divine Mother - Evolution #85
- Engaged Spirituality to Transform Your Life
- Enlightenment Then and Now
- Four Linghams for Spiritual Power #8
- Four Nights of Diwali - Evolution #91
- Greek Myths, Hindu Gods & Enlightenment
- Guru Purnima
- Guru Purnima & Sage Vyasa - Evolution #55
- How to be Spiritual - Evolution #104
- How to find Lord Shiva on Maha Shrivrathri
- Maha Shrivrathri
- Secret Hidden in Tirupathi Balaji Vigraha - Evolution #33
- Story of Suryanamaskara - Evolution #50
- Three Levels of Oneness - Evolution #107
- Ugadi Practice & Working with Life Cycles - Evolution #109
- We are One
- What is Enlightenment
- Why Ram Mandir Now
- What is Enlightenment
- What is Enlightened Achievement - Evolution #111
- What is Spirituality and How Can We Grow It?
Stress Release
- Activate Your Brain for Greater Joy - ICON #3
- Best Way to Achieve Success ICON #4
- Are you in Suffering? - Evolution #108
- Are You Suffering 2?
- Do You Live in a Constant State of Stress - ICON #1
- Know When it is Time to Let GO - ICON #11
- Is it possible to Achieve Awakening without Suffering
- Most Important Thing Leaders & Entrepreneurs nee to Know ICON #7
- Simple Steps to Become Free of Stress Evolution #12
- States of Being
- Stop Being a Prisoner in Your Own Life ICON #8
- Stop Driving through Life with Headlights Off ICON #5
- Stress Free Life - Evolution #100
- Universal Intelligence Breaks Down When... ICON #9
Wealth, Abundance & Leadership
- First Step towards Rebuilding our Economies - Evolution #10
- Getting Rid of Anxiet due to Financial Insecurity - Evolution #4
- Are You Struggleing to Create Wealth? - Evolution #92
- Beautiful State & Wealth Creation - Evolution #35
- Become a Conscious Wealth Creator
- Become a Conscious Wealth Creator
- Can Soft People be Successful Leaders? - Evolution #24
- Five Stages of Awakening
- Heart Leaders for Tomorrow - Evolution #26
- Holding Space for Your Team at Work - Evolution #45
- How does Awakening Happen
- How to get success in all fields
- How to Overcome Stress when Growing Your Business
- How to end stress & anxiety, TeDex
- How to remove negative energy
- Lessons for Wealth Creation during Corona - Evolution #5
- Manifest Sat Karma
- Manifest Synchronicities - Evolution #51
- Mantra for Wealth - Evolution #57
- Positive Thinking Enough for Business Leaders - Evolution #47
- The real meaning of success and prosperity
- The Vision of Oneness Changemakers
- What makes a Good Leader
Wisdom Teachings
- Awakening - Evolution #69
- Krishnaji and Feng Moon on the Oneness of Humanity - Evolution #68
- Access the Power of Intelligence - Evolution #82
- Divine Matrix - Evolution #93
- Discover Your Passion - Evolution #96
- Access the mystical side of consciousness
- Decisions Impact Your Life - Evolution #102
- Do Not Quit - Evolution #105
- Door to Greater Intelligence
- Ekam Mysteries Revealed
- Ekam Means Oneness - Evolution #97
- Ekam Tapas
- Discover Your Passion
- Discover Role and Purpose
- Doorway to Greater Intelligence
- Finding Purpose in Life
- Force of Innovation
- Gift of Awakening
- Gratitude
- How to Draw Beautiful Events from the Universe into Your Life - Evolution #19
- How to be present to everything in life
- How to Ignite Brilliance of Intelligence
- How to become lucky
- Illusion of Privacy or Freedom - Evolution #30
- Is it possible to achieve awakening without suffering?
- Joyful Children
- Life after Death - Evolution #72
- Making the Right Choice - Evolution #53
- Maximizing Satva
- Move at God Speed - Beginnings
- Mystery of Consciousness
- Myth of the Infinite - Evolution #34
- Nature Embracing Change
- One Team, One Brain - Evolution #39
- Power of Connection
- Power of the Collective with Gregg Braden - Evolution #66
- Rise Above Mediocrity - Evolution #94
- Sarvam Kalvidam Brahman
- Source of Radiance
- Spirit of Yoga
- Sacred Happeninf-Deeksha
- Secrets of Ekam Kshetra where Grace Overpowers.. - Evolution #27
- We are One - Evolution #106
- What is Compassion
- What is Destiny
- What is Death?
- What is Karma? Sri Preethiji
- What is Karma? Sri Krishnaji
- Witness Consciousness
- Thou Are That
- Unawareness to Awareness - Evolution #7
- Art of Living - Diana Figueroa (Intro in Spanish)
- Authors of Four Sacred Secrets
- Gary Quinn Interviews Sri Preethaji
- Live Interview with Preethaji
- Podcast: How to End Stress (TedxKC)
- Podcast: The Force of Innovation (TedxKC)
- Podcast: How to Overcome Suffering (Lewis Howes)
- Podcast: How to Manage Your Stress (Marie TV)
- Podcast: How to Stop Being Anxious
- Importance of Connection (Sonya Martin)
- Power of Creating a Spiritual Vision (Lewis Howes)
- Power of Intuition (Kerwin Rae)
- Power of Being
- Sri Preethaji & Sri Krishnaji on CNBC